Section: Dissemination


SMIS members have an important dissemination activity, motivated both by the popularity of the addressed research domain (security/privacy) and of the targeted applications (e.g., personal medical folder), leading to interactions with different institutions (e.g., the French Deputy Chamber, the Parliamentary Office for Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options (OPECST), the French Network and Information Security Agency), interviews resulting in articles in large audience magazine (e.g., “La Recherche”, the CNRS Journal or BBC news) and talks and demonstrations targeting industrials in wide audience conferences (e.g., JavaOne, e-Smart, “Les rendez-vous Carnot”)

  • Organization of the French Summer School “Masses de Données Distribuées”, Philippe Pucheral, June 2012

  • Presentation at the “1/2 heure de science”, Database cryptography, Luc Bouganim, March 2012, http://www.inria.fr/centre/paris-rocquencourt/recherche/la-demi-heure-de-science/2012/database-cryptography .

  • Presentation at the “Colloque du labex DIGICOSME”, Orsay, Architectures pour des grandes bases de données sécurisées, Luc Bouganim, September 2012.

  • Participation to the realization of a pedagogic video on Security and Safety, Luc Bouganim, October 2012.

  • Participation to the Round Table at the 5th Open World Forum (OWF), Paris,Logiciels libres, culture et enseignement de l’informatique, Benjamin Nguyen, 2012.

  • Invited talk at the “Les mardis du CRIDS”, Le projet CAPPRIS, Benjamin Nguyen, July 2012.